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SETI Institute Researchers Presented with FILMSS Star Award

SETI Institute Researchers Presented with FILMSS Star Award

The unique HAWC+ camera's Acceptance for SOFIA was shepherded by SETI Institute researchers.


Three SETI Institute researchers have been presented with the FILMSS (Fully Integrated Lifecycle Mission Support Services) Star Award for their work. Bruce Clarke, Stefan Rosner, and Bill Wohler of the SETI Institute, along with their colleague Jeff Huang of Logyx, were recognized for their contributions to SOFIA’s (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-plus (HAWC+) Acceptance Review team.

HAWC+ is a one-of-a-kind far-infrared camera and imaging polarimeter used exclusively on SOFIA. This is the only currently operating astronomical camera that makes images using far-infrared light, allowing studies of low temperature early stages of star and planet formation. 

The SOFIA HAWC+ Acceptance Review team provided leadership, process improvement and technical contributions in guiding this instrument through the acceptance process to deliver a data package that met NASA’s standards for acceptance.

The team was able to successfully shepherd the SOFIA HAWC+ through this process while simultaneously providing support for two other instrument programs.

Congratulations to all!

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