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SETI AIR Newsletter - September 2024

SETI AIR Newsletter - September 2024





Bettina Forget

The SETI AIR program is launching its latest residency! The Beyond Silos residency supports art educators as they explore new ground in transdisciplinary pedagogy. This STEAM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) residency connects the SETI AIR program’s research-based creative practice with the Institute’s strong commitment to education and outreach. The title Beyond Silos references the residency’s aim to disrupt the disciplinary boundaries of art and science, in effect “de-siloing” education to cultivate a more holistic and inclusive teaching approach that benefits everyone.

Find more information about the Beyond Silos Open Call and the latest SETI AIR news and events below.

Wishing you clear skies, Bettina



AIR Program Spotlight

Daniela de Paulis, A Sign in Space

Open Call for the Beyond Silos STEAM Education Residency

The Beyond Silos STEAM Education Residency invites art educators whose pedagogical practice centres on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Education to submit a first-round application to be considered for the Beyond Silos shortlist. The Beyond Silos Residency’s mandate is to explore transdisciplinary pedagogy at the intersection of art and science. Educational projects developed during this residency should position art and creative practice as an integral component to teaching and learning in the STEAM Education framework. This residency aims to disrupt disciplinary silos and create meaningful learning situations that foster innovation, risk-taking, and creative problem solving.

Areas of educational research may engage with the following topics: 

  • Interdisciplinary curriculum development
  • STEAM and inclusivity, accessible learning strategies
  • Digital technology integration and science literacy
  • Emerging pedagogical models
  • Design thinking, studio/lab models, and disciplinary convergences

Submission deadline: October 15, 2024
This is a first-round submission to be considered for the Beyond Silos shortlist. This call is open internationally to English language projects. For a more detailed description of the Open Call, visit the link below.




SETI AIR Artist News & Events


Open Sky

Xin Liu

Open Sky

Benton Museum of Art
Pomona College, Claremont, California, USA
August 15, 2024 – January 5, 2025



Xin Liu

SCI-FI: Mythologies Transformed

Science Gallery Melbourne, Melbourne, AU
August 3, 2024 – June 30, 2025



Brittany Nelson

Allen Telescope Array

Luring Augustine Chelsea, New York, USA S
eptember 7 - October 19, 2024 P
anel discussion September 7, 2024, 3 pm EST



Xin Liu

Breath(e): Towards Climate and Social Justice

Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, USA September 14, 2024 – January 5, 2025


Daniela de Paulis

Daniela de Paulis

Billingham Cutting-Edge Lecture: Global Outreach and Cultural Impact of A Sign in Space

International Astronautical Congress 2024, Milan, Italy October 14 - 18, 2024



Pierre R. Schwob

AWE, A Technothriller

Available in paperback and hardcover



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