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SETI AIR Newsletter - August 2024

SETI AIR Newsletter - August 2024

Seti Air august 2024

SETI AIR Newsletter - August 2024



Bettina Forget

"Take a moment to think about something of compelling interest to you today. Write it down, and email it to me.” This is the daily prompt SETI AIR alum and New York-based psychoanalyst Martin Wilner sends the participants of his ongoing Case Histories project. The resulting daily messages, filtered through the prism of psychoanalytical principles, are then visualized as elements of a Gregorian calendar. During his time with the SETI AIR program, Martin collaborated with scientists at SETI Institute, including Jill Tarter, Seth Shostak, and Franck Marchis. More recently, Martin decided to put ChatGPT4 on the virtual couch. A selection of Martin’s Case Histories will be presented in New York this fall. Discover what’s been on the minds of some of the most fascinating people contemplating (alien) life. Find details of this show and other news and events below.

Hoping your days are filled with compelling interest,



AIR Spotlights



We welcome Todd Stewart

We are delighted to welcome illustrator Todd Stewart to the SETI AIR program's creative network. Todd is collaborating with Simon Steel, Deputy Director of the Carl Sagan Center, on a picture book that highlights the Institute's Allen Telescope Array (ATA). Simon has authored a charming story that captures the excitement of searching for alien signals, bringing the ATA to life - in more ways than one. This fall, Todd will visit our Hat Creek facility to gather firsthand impressions of the radio telescope array and begin the creative process. Stay tuned for updates as the book takes shape.

Todd Stewart is a Montreal-based printmaker and published illustrator. His work has been featured in books and animations, documentaries, and music videos, and his prints have been exhibited in galleries across Canada. He was shortlisted for the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award and the Prix des libraires du Québec. Todd was artist in residence at IISD-Experimental Lakes Area in Kenora, Ontario, Waaw Centre for Art & Design, Saint-Louis, Senegal, and the Klondike Institute of Arts and Culture in Dawson City, Yukon.


Preview: Upcoming Exhibition by Charles Lindsay

Can consciousness arise from AI? This is the central questions of SETI AIR program Founder and Senior Advisor Charles Lindsay’s latest series Please Forget (Everything). Playing with ideas about the potential for technological consciousness, as well as with ideas about narrative opportunities and limitations, his solo show at Heron Arts merges Zen Buddhist concepts with Silicon Valley ontologies. More info in the September issue of SETI AIR News.

Please Forget (Everything
Heron Arts, San Francisco
September 26 - October 30, 2024



SETI AIR Artist News & Events



Martin Wilner

When We Cease to Understand the World
(Extraterrestrials and AI on the Couch)

Solo exhibition
BravinLee Programs
New York
September 5-September 28, 2024



Xin Liu

Photographic Geomancy: Images, Fieldwork,
and the Poetics of Geography

Group exhibition
Times Museum
Guangong, China
July 11 - October 6, 2024



Daniela de Paulis

A Sign in Space as Cosmic Theatre
Journal article
Proceedings of Electronic Visualisation
and the Arts (EVA) conference
London 2024
July 11 - October 6, 2024



Jonathon Keats

Bangkok Art Biennale reveals artists for 2024 iteration

Tanning With the Stars
Review of Jonathon’s project Stellar
Tanning Salon in Nautilus magazine



Felipe Perez Santiago, Charles Lindsay, Gregory Betts

Galería L presenta Terricola
Review of the Terricola exhibition by
San Francisco


About the SETI AIR Program

The SETI Institute’s Artist-in-Residence (AIR) program is an international leader in the movement of integrating art and science. The AIR program connects contemporary artists with SETI Institute researchers so that they may exchange ideas and catalyze new perspectives, insights, and modes of comprehension. For more information about the program, please visit


SETI AIR Partners

We thank our institutional partners for their invaluable support



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