Xinchuan Huang

PI3 - Research Scientist/ PI III
Disciplines: Spectroscopy
Degree/Major: Ph.D., Physical/Theoretical Chemistry, 2004, Emory University
Curriculum vitae: Xinchuan Huang.CV_.for_.SETI_.2018.updated.pdf
Xinchuan.Huang-1@nasa.govProfessional Experience
06/2009 – Present SETI Institute, Research Scientist
06/2006 – 05/2009 NASA PostDoc, NASA Ames (Advisor: Dr. Timothy J. Lee)
09/2004 – 12/2005 PostDoc, Emory University (Advisor: Professor Joel M. Bowman)
08/1999 – 08/2004 Ph.D. in Chemistry (Physical/Theoretical), Emory University
09/1992 – 07/1997 B.S. in Applied Chemistry (II), Fudan University, Shanghai, China
-- Member of ACS, AGU, AAS, and AAAS;
-- Published 74 peer-reviewed Articles/Letters/Reviews (29 1st-author)
-- 3048 citations from >1500 articles, H-index = 35 (Web of Science, 04/2018)
-- Referee for JCP, ApJ, MNRAS, JPC, MolPhys, JQSRT, PCCP., Adv. Space Res., etc.
Recent Projects (2009 – 2018)
-- Highly accurate IR line lists for HCN / HNC in studies of (exo-)planetary atmospheres, NASA Grant 16-PDART_2-0080, P.I.
for SO2 Isotopologues, NASA Grant 12-APRA12-0107, Co-I
for Methane and Isotopologues, NASA Grant 13-PATM13-0012, Co-I
for 13 CO2 Isotopologues up to 18,000 cm-1 and 1500K. Venus Express SIP, Co-I
for 14NH3, 15NH3, and H3O+ NASA Grant 10-APRA10-0096, Co-I.
for 32S16O2 at 296K, up to 6000 cm-1, NASA Grant 08-APRA08-0050, Co-I
-- Accurate rovibrational spectroscopic constants and high quality ab initio quartic force field for HO2+, NH2-, CCH-, C3H3+, C3H+, N2OH+, C2H2N+, etc.,
-- Anharmonic IR analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and derivatives.
Recent Invited Talks
254thACS National Meeting, Molecules in Space: Linking the Interstellar Medium to (Exo)-Planets D.C., USA (08/2017)
Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities, Kalamazoo, MI, USA (08/2017)
Stars and Planets Seminar Series, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Boston, MA, USA (03/2017)
Workshop on Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes: Possible Molecular Origins, Telluride, CO, USA (2016)
- Rangwala, S.W.J. Colgan, R.L. Gal, K. Acharyya, X. Huang, T.J. Lee, E. Herbst, C. DeWitt, M. Richter, A. Boogert, M. McKelvey: “High Spectral Resolution SOFIA/EXES Observations of C2H2 toward Orion IRc2” ApJ 856, 9 (2018), online
- E. Maltseva, C.J. Mackie, A. Candian, A. Petrignani, X. Huang, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M. Tielens, J. Oomens, and W.Jan Buma: “High-resolution IR absorption spectroscopy of PAH in the 3 um region: role of hydrogenation and alkylation”, A&A 610, A65 (2018), online
- C.J. Mackie, A. Cadian, X. Huang, E. Maltseva, A. Petrignani, J. Oomens, W.J. Buma, T.J. Lee and A.G.G.M. Tielens: The anharmonic quartic force field infrared spectra of hydrogenated and methylated PAHs”, PCCP 20, 1189-1197 (2018), online pdf
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, R.S. Freedman, and T.J. Lee: Ames-2016 line lists for 13 isotopologues of CO2: Updates, consistency, and remaining issues. JQSRT, 203, 224-241 (2017), Open access
- R.R. Gamache, C. Roller, E. Lopes, I.E. Gordon, L.S Rothman, O.L Polyansky, N.F. Zobov, A.A. Kyuberis, J. Tennyson, S.N. Yurchenko, A.G. Csaszar, T. Furtenbacher, X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee, B.J. Drouin, S.A. Tashkun, V.I. Perevalov, R.V. Kochanov: Total internal partition sums for 166 isotopologues of 51 molecules important in planetary atmospheres: Application to HITRAN2016 and beyond J.Quant.Spectrosc.Ra. 203, 70-87 (2017) online
- R.C. Fortenberry, T.J. Lee, X. Huang : Towards completing the cyclopropenylidene cycle: rovibrational analysis of cyclic N3+, CNN, HCNN+, and CNC, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 19, 22860-22869 (2017) online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee: Ames 16O32S 18O line list for high-resolution experimental IR analysis, J.Mol.Spectrosc. 330, 101-111 (2016), online
- E. Maltseva, A. Petrignani, A. Candian, C.J. Mackie, X. Huang, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M. Tielens, J. Oomens, W.Jan Buma: High-resolution IR absorption Spectroscopy of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the 3 μm region: role of Periphery. ApJ, 831(1), 58 (2016) pdf
- C.J. Mackie, A. Candian, X. Huang, E. Maltseva, A. Petrignani, J. Oomens, W.J. Buma, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M. Tielens: The anharmonic force field infrared spectra of five non-linear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Benzanthracene, chrysene, phenathrene, pyrene, and triphenylene J.Chem.Phys. 145, 084313 (2016). online
- D.S. Underwood, J. Tennyson, S.N. Yurchenko, X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee, S. Clausen, A. Fateev : ExoMol molecular line lists – XIV. The rotation-vibration spectrum of hot SO2 Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc. 459, 3890 (2016). online
- C.J. Mackie, A. Candian, X. Huang, E. Maltseva, A. Petrignani, J. Oomens, W.J. Buma, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M. Tielens: The anharmonic quartic force field infrared spectra of three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Naphthalene, Anthracene, and Tetracene J. Chem. Phys. 143, 224314 (2015). online pdf
- E. Maltseva, A. Petrignani, A. Candian, C.J. Mackie, X. Huang, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M. Tielens, J. Oomens, W.J. Buma : High-resolution IR absorption spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: the realm of anharmonicity Astrophys. J. 814(1), 23 (2015) PDF
- C.J. Mackie, A. Candian, X. Huang, T.J. Lee, A.G.G.M Tielens : Linear transformation of anharmonic molecular force constants between normal and Cartesian coordinates J.Chem.Phys. 142, 244107 (2015) online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee: Empirical Infrared line lists for five SO2 isotopologues: 32/33/34/36SO2 and 32S18O2J.Mol.Spectrosc., 311, 19-24 (2015). online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, T.D. Crawford, T.J. Lee: Quantum Chemical Rovibrational Data for the Interstellar Detection of c-C3H-Astrophys. J. 796, 139 (2014). online pdf
- X. Huang, R.R. Gamache, R.S. Freedman, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee: Reliable infrared line lists for 13 CO2 isotopologues up to E'=18,000 cm-1 and 1500 K, with line shape parameters J.Quant.Spectrosc.Ra., 147, 134-144 (2014). online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, T.D. Crawford, T.J. Lee : Quartic Force Field Rovibrational Analysis of Protonated Acetylene, C2H3+, and Its Isotopologues J.Phys.Chem.A 118, 7034 (2014) online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, M.C. McCarthy, T.D. Crawford, T.J. Lee : Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants of cis- and trans-HOCS, HSCO, and Isotopologues via Quartic Force Fields J.Phys.Chem.B 118, 6498-6510 (2014) online
- L.-H. Xu, R.M. Lees, J.T. Hougen, J.M. Bowman, X. Huang, S. Carter : Comparison of independently calculated ab initio normal-mode displacements for the three C-H stretching vibrations of methanol along the internal rotation path. J.Mol.Spectrosc. 299, 11-16 (2014) online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee: Highly accurate potential energy surface, dipole moment surface, rovibrational energy levels, and infrared line list for 32S16O2 up to 8000 cm-1, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 114311 (2014). online
- R. C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee: Limited rotational and rovibrational line lists computed with highly accurate quartic force fields and ab initio dipole surfaces, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 119, 76-83 (2014). online
- X. Wang, X. Huang, J.M. Bowman, T.J. Lee: Anharmonic rovibrational calculations of singlet cyclic C4 using a new ab initio potential and a quartic force field J.Chem.Phys. 139, 224302 (2013). online
- N. Inostroza, R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, and T.J. Lee: Rovibrational Spectroscopic Constants and Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies for Isotopologues of Cyclic and Bent Singlet HC2N Isomers, Astrophys. J., 778, 160, (2013). online pdf
- X. Huang, R.S. Freedman, S. A. Tashkun, D.W. Schwenke, and T. J. Lee: Semi-empirical 12C16O2 IR line lists for simulations up to 1500 K and 20,000 cm-1, J.Quant.Spectrosc.Ra., 130, 134-146 (2013). online
- R. C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, T.D. Crawford, and T. J. Lee: The 1 3A′ HCN and 1 3A′ HCO+ Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants from Quartic Force Fields, J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 9324-9330, (2013). online
- X. Huang, R.C. Fortenberry, and T. J. Lee: Protonated nitrous oxide, NNOH+: Fundamental vibrational frequencies and spectroscopic constants from quartic force fields, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 084313 (2013). online
- X. Huang, R.C. Fortenberry, Y. Wang, J.S. Francisco, T.D. Crawford, J.M. Bowman, and T.J. Lee: Dipole Surface and Infrared Intensities for the cis-and trans-HOCO and DOCO Radicals, J. Phys. Chem. A, 117, 6932–6939, (2013). online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, T.D. Crawford, and T.J. Lee: High-accuracy Quartic Force Field Calculations for the Spectroscopic Constants and Vibrational Frequencies of 1 1A' l-C3H-: A Possible Link to Lines Observed in the Horsehead Nebula Photodissociation Region, Astrophys. J., 772, 39, (2013). online pdf
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, A. Yachmenev, W. Thiel, and T.J. Lee: On the Use of Quartic Force Fields in Variational Calculations, Chem. Phys. Lett, 574, 1-12, (2013). online
- X. Huang, R.C. Fortenberry, and T.J. Lee: Spectroscopic Constants and Vibrational Frequencies for l-C3H+ and Isotopologues from Highly Accurate Quartic Force Fields: The Detection of l-C3H+ in the Horsehead Nebula PDR Questioned, Astrophys. J. Lett. 768, L25, (2013). online PDF
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, J.S. Francisco, T.D. Crawford, and T.J. Lee : Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants of HOCS+, HSCO+, and Isotopologues via Quartic Force Fields, J.Phys.Chem.A, 116, 9582-9590, 2012. online
- K. Sung, L.R. Brown, X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, T.J. Lee, S.L. Coy, and K.K. Lehmann : Extended Line Positions, Intensities, Empirical Lower State Energies and Quantum Assignments of NH3 from 6300 to 7000 cm-1, J.Quant.Spectrosc.Ra., 113, 1066-1083, 2012. online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, J.S. Francisco, T.D. Crawford, and T.J. Lee : Quartic Force Field Predictions of the Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants of the Cations HOCO+ and DOCO+, J.Chem.Phys., 136, 234309, 2012. online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee : An Isotopic-Independent Highly Accurate Potential Energy Surface for CO2 Isotopologues and an Initial 12C16O2 Infrared Line List, J. Chem. Phys., 136, 124311, 2012. online
- N. Inostroza, X. Huang, and T.J. Lee : Accurate ab initio Quartic Force Fields of Cyclic and Bent HC2NIsomers, J.Chem.Phys., 135, 244310, 2011. online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, J.S. Francisco, T.D. Crawford, and T.J. Lee : Vibrational Fundamental Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants from Quartic Force Fields for cis-HOCO: the Radical and the Anion, J.Chem.Phys., 135, 214303, 2011. online
- R.C. Fortenberry, X. Huang, J.S. Francisco, T.D. Crawford, and T.J. Lee : The trans-HOCO radical: Quartic Force Fields, Vibrational Frequencies, and Spectroscopic Constants, J. Chem. Phys., 135, 134301, 2011. online
- X. Huang, and T.J. Lee : Spectroscopic Constants for 13Cand Deuterium Isotopologues of Cyclic and Linear C3H3+, Astrophys. J. 736, 33, 2011. online PDF
- X. Huang, P.R. Taylor, and T.J. Lee : Highly accurate quartic force fields, vibrational frequencies, and spectroscopic constants for cyclic and linear C3H3+, J. Phys. Chem. A 115, 5005-5016, 2011. online
- Y. Wang, X. Huang, B.C. Shepler, B.J. Braams, and J.M. Bowman : Flexible, ab initio potential, and dipole moment surfaces for water: I. Tests and applications for clusters up to the 22-mer, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 094509, 2011. online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee : Rovibrational spectra of Ammonia. II. Detailed analysis, comparison, and prediction of spectroscopic assignments for 14NH3, 15NH3, and 14ND3, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044321, 2011. online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee : Rovibrational spectra of Ammonia. I. Unprecedented accuracy of a potential energy surface used with nonadiabatic corrections, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 044320, 2011. online
- X. Huang, E.F. Valeev, and T.J. Lee : Comparison of one-particle basis set extrapolation to explicitly correlated methods for the calculation of accurate quartic force fields, vibrational frequencies, and spectroscopic constants: Application to H2O, N2H+, NO2+, and C2H2, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 244108, 2010. online
- Y. Wang, J.M. Bowman, and X. Huang : (Communication) Prediction of the rate constant of bimolecular hydrogen exchange in the water dimer using an ab initio potential energy surface, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 111103, 2010. pdf (open access)
- J.M. Bowman, B.J. Braams, S. Carter, C. Chen, G. Czako, B. Fu, X. Huang, E. Kamachik, A.R. Sharma, B.C. Shepler, Y. Wang, and Z. Xie : Ab-initio-based potential energy surfaces for complex molecules and molecular complexes, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 1866-1874, 2010. online
- X. Huang, and T.J. Lee : An approach to include the effects of diffuse functions in potential energy surface calculations, J. Phys. Chem. A 113, 11954-11962, 2009. online
- X. Huang, and T.J. Lee : Accurate ab initio quartic force fields for NH2- and CCH- and rovibrational spectroscopic constants for their isotopologues, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 104301, 2009. online
- T.J. Lee, X. Huang, and C.E. Dateo : The effect of approximating some molecular integrals in coupled-cluster calculations: fundamental frequencies and rovibrational spectroscopic constants for isotopologues of cyclopropenylidene, Mol. Phys. 107, 1139-1152, 2009. online
- X. Huang, D.W. Schwenke, and T.J. Lee : An accurate global potential energy surface, dipole moment surface, and rovibrational frequencies for NH3, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 214304, 2008. online
- X. Huang, and T.J. Lee : A procedure for computing accurate ab initio quartic force fields: Application to HO2+ and H2O, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 044312, 2008. online
- X. Huang, B.J. Braams, J.M. Bowman, R.E.A. Kelly, J. Tennyson, G.C. Groenenboom, and Ad van der Avoird : New ab initio potential energy surface and vibrational-rotation-tunneling levels of (H2O)2 and (D2O)2, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 034312, 2008. online
- X. Huang, S. Habershon, and J.M. Bowman : Comparison of quantum, classical, and ring-polymer molecular dynamics infra-red spectra of Cl-∙(H2O) and H+∙(H2O)2, Chem. Phys. Lett. 450, 253-257, 2007. online
- J.M. Bowman, X. Huang, N.C. Handy, and S. Carter : Vibrational levels of methanol calculated by the reaction path version of MULTIMODE, using an ab initio, full-dimensional potential, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 7317-7321, 2007. online
- C.E. Hinkle, A.B. McCoy, X. Huang, and J.M. Bowman : Comment on "Nature of the chemical bond in protonated methane", J. Phys. Chem. A. 111, 2033-2034, 2007. online
- J. Wu, X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Tests of MULTIMODE calculations of rovibrational energies of CH4, Chem. Phys. Lett. 426, 285-289, 2007. online
- X. Huang, L.M. Johnson, J.M. Bowman, and A.B. McCoy : Deuteration effects on the structure and Infrared spectrum of CH5+, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128, 3478-3479, 2006. online
- X. Huang, B.J. Braams, and J.M. Bowman : Ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of (H2O)2, J. Phys. Chem. A. 110, 445-451, 2006. online
- J.M. Bowman, X. Huang, L.B. Harding, and S. Carter : The determination of molecular properties from MULTIMODE with an application to the calculation of Franck-Condon factors for photoionization of CF3 to CF3+, Mol. Phys. 104, 33-45, 2006. online
- X. Huang, A.B. McCoy, J.M. Bowman, L.M. Johnson, C. Savage, F. Dong, and D.J. Nesbitt : Quantum deconstruction of the Infrared spectrum of CH5+, Science 311, 60-63, 2006. online
- A.B. McCoy, X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Quantum studies of the vibrations in H3O2- and D3O2-, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 064317, 2005. online
- N.I. Hammer, E.G. Diken, J.R. Roscioli, M.A. Johnson, E.M. Myshakin, K.D. Jordan, A.B. McCoy, X. Huang, J. M. Bowman, and S. Carter : The vibrational predissociation spectra of the H5O2+∙RGn(RG=Ar,Ne) clusters: Correlation of the solvent perturbations in the free OH and shared proton transitions of the Zundel ion, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 244301, 2005. online
- A.B. McCoy, X. Huang, S. Carter, M.Y. Landeweer, and J.M. Bowman : Full-dimensional vibrational calculations for H5O2+ using an ab initio potential energy surface, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 061101, 2005. online
- E.G. Diken, J.M. Headrick, J.R. Roscioli, J.C. Bopp, M.A. Johnson, A.B. McCoy, X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Argon predissociation spectroscopy of the OH-∙H2O and Cl-∙H2O complexes in the 1000-1900 cm-1 region: Intramolecular bending transitions and the search for the shared-proton fundamental in the hydroxide monohydrate, J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 571-575, 2005. online
- X. Huang, B.J. Braams, and J.M. Bowman : Ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for H5O2+, J. Chem. Phys., 122, 044308, 2005. online
- A.B. McCoy, B.J. Braams, A. Brown, X. Huang, Z. Jin, and J.M. Bowman : Ab initio diffusion Monte Carlo calculations of the quantum behavior of CH5+ in full dimensionality, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 4991-4994, 2004. online
- X. Huang, B.J. Braams, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Quantum calculations of vibrational energies of H3O2- on an ab initio potential, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 5042–5043, 2004. online
- A.L. Kaledin, X. Huang, and J.M. Bowman : Comparison of classical, new corrected-classical, and semiclassical IR spectra of non-rotating H2O with quantum calculations, Chem. Phys. Lett. 384, 80-85, 2004. online
- J. Dai, Z. Bacic, X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : A theoretical study of vibrational mode coupling in H5O2+, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 6571-6580, 2003. online
- X. Huang; H.M. Cho; S. Carter; L. Ojamäe; J.M. Bowman; S.J. Singer : Full dimensional calculations of vibrational energies of H5O2+, J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 7142–7151, 2003. online
- J.M. Bowman, S. Carter, and X. Huang : MULTIMODE: a code to calculate rovibrational energies of polyatomic molecules, Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 22, 533-549, 2003. online
- X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Ab initio potential energy surface and rovibrational energies of H3O+ and its isotopomers, J. Chem. Phys. 118, 5431-5441, 2003. online
- X. Huang, S. Carter, and J.M. Bowman : Ab initio potential energy surface and rovibrational energies of H3O+ and its isotopomers, J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 8182-8188, 2002. online
- J.M. Bowman, X. Huang, and S. Carter : Full dimensional calculations of vibrational energies of H3O+ and D3O+, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 58, 839-848, 2002. online
J.M. Bowman, D. Wang, X. Huang, F. Huarte-Larranaga, and U. Manthe : The importance of an accurate CH4 vibrational partition function in full dimensionality calculations of the H+CH4 -> H2+CH3 reaction, J. Chem. Phys. 114, 9683-9684, 2001. online