Michael Wong

Research Scientist
Disciplines: Planetary Atmospheres, Planetary Astronomy, Planetary Exploration
Degree/Major: Ph.D., Atmospheric and Space Sciences, 2001, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
Curriculum vitae: wong-2pp-200611_SETI.pdf
mikewong@seti.orgMike Wong is a planetary scientist focusing on planetary atmospheres, with appointments at the SETI Institute, UC Berkeley, and University of Michigan. His analysis of data from the mass spectrometer on the Galileo probe launched his interest in cloud-forming gases in Jupiter's atmosphere. Later, he participated with the Cassini/CIRS team in the discovery of the signature of ammonia ice in Jupiter's thermal spectrum. Mike Wong is a Participating Scientist on the Juno mission to Jupiter, and a Mars Science Laboratory Collaborator, where he uses Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) and Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) data to understand the dynamic composition of the Mars atmosphere. He leads Hubble/WFC3 and Gemini North/NIRI imaging programs in support of Juno observations, and is a founding member of the multi-cycle OPAL program that conducts annual observations of the giant planets with Hubble.
Recent talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kyrg1UC3_g0