Lauren Sgro

Citizen Science Researcher
Disciplines: Astronomy
Degree/Major: Ph.D., Physics, 2022 University of Georgia
Curriculum vitae: Sgro_CV_SETI.pdf
lsgro@seti.orgLauren Sgro is a Citizen Science Researcher at the SETI institute, working alongside Unistellar to build their network of citizen astronomers and process the results that come from citizen observations. She graduated with her PhD in Physics from the University of Georgia in 2022, where she studied debris disks around red dwarfs. Lauren is also a science writer that has written for a variety of outlets, from student-run blogs to Sky & Telescope magazine. One of her favorite things about astronomy, and science in general, is sharing it with others whether through writing or public outreach events.
In her copious leisure time, Lauren likes to read, practice circus arts, and spend time with her family.