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New Meteor Shower in the Constellation Cassiopeia

New Meteor Shower in the Constellation Cassiopeia

Contellation viewed on CAMS

In the early morning of September 4, there was a brief meteor shower outburst visible over California and Arizona with a radiant in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was recorded by low-light video cameras in the CAMS networks led by Peter Jenniskens (SETI Institute) and Nick Moskovitz (Lowell Observatory). The outburst revealed a weak annual shower that had not been mapped before, with a possible earlier outburst in 2014. The shower was caused by the crumbs of a yet-to-be discovered comet in a high-inclined orbit.

SPC - as viewed on CAMS

The announcement came out on September 8, 2924:

The follow-up paper is posted here:



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