Girls grades K-12 can earn their Space Science badges thanks to “ Reaching for the Stars: NASA Science for Girl Scouts” supported by NASA Science under Cooperative Agreement No. NNX16AB90A to SETI Institute. For information regarding the partners and activities beyond the Space Science badges, visit

Space Science Resources for Girl Scouts
chromeBadge steps and booklet links
Space Science Badge Requirements (PDF) -
How to Earn a Space Science Badge
Space Science Badge FAQ -
Star Party Tips and Guides
Night Sky Network Girl Scouts (link) -
Hands-on activities for learning about the sun, light, our solar system, and eclipses
Sun, Earth, Moon and Eclipses Activity Guide (PDF) -
Hands-on activities for GS volunteers from GS Stars partner University of Arizona
Constellations (.zip download, 21.8mb)
Events and Planning (.zip download, 2.3mb)
Hands on Science (.zip download, 11.4mb)
Solar Systems, Exoplanets and Galaxies (.zip download, 24.6mb)
Worksheets (.zip download, 22.4mb) -
Activities for amateur astronomers by GS Stars partner Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Night Sky Network Outreach Activities (link) -
Space Science Badge Resources (Downloadable Powerpoint Slide Decks)
Overview and Icebreakers (.pptx download, 10.8mb)
Earth’s Sun and Moon (.pptx download, 58.3mb)
Our Solar System: Planets and Scale Models (.pptx download, 13.1mb)
Stars and Space Exploration (.pptx download, 30.4mb)
Older Girl (grades 6-12) Space Science (.pptx download, 21.4mb)
To join or volunteer for Girl Scouts, visit
Registered Girl Scout Volunteers can access badge requirements, meeting scripts and aids on the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK), along with tips for launching a Girl Scout Astronomy Club on the GS Learn site. Contact your local council for access.
NASA Resources
Kid-friendly information, activities and more: NASA SpacePlace (link)
STEM content, contests, activities and more for K-12+ students and educators: NASA STEM Engagement (link)
Earth and space activities, projects, videos and games for kids: NASA JPL Learn (link)
- A collection of resources that incorporate NASA content and have been subject to peer review: NASA Wavelength
- Playful space learning for kids: NASA Kids Club (link)
- Coloring pages: SpacePlace, coloring books, Sun, Astronaut, Perseverance, Telescope
- Posters: Solar System, SpacePlace, JPL Posters, NASA Missions, Moon to Mars, Space Tourism, Mars Explorers Wanted
- Popular websites for exploring space with NASA
Image Gallery (link) and Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD (Link)
Solar System Exploration (link)
NASA Science (link) and Science Resources (link)
NASA Missions
NASA Social Media
NASA Calendar of Events
NASA on YouTube (link), NASA Live, NASA TV
NASA Internships
NASA Careers
Girl Scout Stars News and Press Releases
“Reaching for the Stars: NASA Science for Girl Scouts” is based upon work supported by Aerojet Rocketdyne Foundation and NASA Science under Cooperative Agreement No. NNX16AB90A.