SETI Live: How to better visualize complex systems?


Tags: SETI Live

Time: Thursday, Nov 04, 2021 -

Location: Online

Learning science is about understanding scientific complex systems and interactions among their entities. Telescopes are for observing objects that are far away and microscopes are for exploring the tiniest objects. But what tools do we have for visualizing general patterns, processes, or relationships that can be defined in terms of compact mathematical models? Visualizing the unseeable can be a powerful teaching tool.  SETI Institute affiliate Dr. Mojgan Haganikar has written a book, Visualizing Dynamic Systems, that categorizes visualization skills needed for various types of scientific problems.  With the emergence of new technologies, we have more powerful tools to visualize invisible concepts, complex systems, and large datasets by revealing patterns and inter-relations in new ways. Join the SETI Institute’s Pamela Harman as she explores what is possible with Haganikar.