
14th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium

Tags: Heliophysics, Physics

Time: 09 - 13 July 2018 -

Location: Keele Campus, York University, Toronto, Canada

The fourteenth edition of the Solar-Terrestrial Physics symposium (STP14), which is organized by the Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) and held every four years. SCOSTEP is engaged in three major activities: long-term scientific programs, capacity building and public outreach. The scientific programs are designed to advance our understanding of the solar-terrestrial relationship using space- and ground-based observations, cutting-edge models and theory. SCOSTEP scientific programs are of interdisciplinary nature and involve scientists from all around the world. The underlying theme of these programs is the way the Sun affects the Earth over various time-scales. SCOSTEP’s current scientific program, VarSITI (Variability of the Sun and Its Terrestrial Impact) expands the solar-terrestrial physics into the broader context of star-planet interaction to further our understanding of Sun-Earth connection.

Meng Jin, SETI Institute Research Scientist will be one of the invited speakers, "Sun-to-Earth Modeling of CMEs with a Global MHD Model: Facilitating Physical Understanding and Space Weather Forecasting"