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Dale Andersen Receives Explorers Club Award

Dale Andersen Receives Explorers Club Award

Portrait of Dale Andersen

Credit: Dale Andersen. Full image here.

The Explorers Club recognizes SETI Institute Senior Research Scientist Dr. Dale Andersen with its Finn Ronne Memorial Award. Andersen has spent nearly five decades exploring Earth's most extreme environments. A pioneer in scientific diving in Antarctica's perennially ice-covered lakes, his research focuses on microbial ecosystems in extreme settings, with studies in both Antarctica and the Arctic. His discoveries, including large, modern conical stromatolites in Lake Untersee, provide key insights into life on early Earth and serve as analogs for potential life on Mars and icy moons like Europa. Andersen's work continues to inspire exploration, advancing public understanding of planetary science and the resilience of life.

Since 1914, The Explorers Club has recognized the world's greatest explorers with exploration's highest honors. In addition to Andersen, other awardees being recognized by the Explorers Club this year include:

  • The Explorers Medal: Dr. Biruté Mary Galdikas, the world's foremost authority on orangutans, is an internationally recognized scientist, conservationist, and educator.
  • The Sweeney Medal: Alex Wallace has been deeply involved in both club governance and exploration since his election to membership in 2001.
  • Citation of Merit: Dr. Javier Sellanes and Dr. Erin Easton with the Schmidt Ocean Institute discovered over 150 new species among underwater mountains, or seamounts, which play an integral role in oceanic processes and connectivity.
  • New Explorer Award: Dr. Rosa Vásquez Espinoza, a Peruvian chemical biologist of Andean-Amazonian heritage, bridges cutting-edge science and indigenous knowledge to protect Amazonian biodiversity and is inspired by her grandmother's wisdom as a healer.
  • Communication Award: E. Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin are Academy® Award-winning filmmakers and the directors/producers of "Free Solo."
  • President's Medal for Excellence in Exploration: Dr. Frederick Paulsen, a renowned businessman, academic, and philanthropist who is one of the few to have travelled to all eight of the Earth’s poles.

Andersen and the other awardees will be formally honored at the Explorers Club 121st Annual Dinner on April 26, 2025.



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