Non Random Arts Collective

Artist in Residence


The Non Random Arts Collective explores the intersections of art with fields like astrophysics, genetics, urban planning, and climate science. We develop interactive workshops and discussions to address social and ecological issues using innovative methodologies.


The Non Random Arts Collective, consisting of Linda OKeeffe, Ashley James Brown, Tony Doyle, and Ines Montalvao, delves into the intersections between the arts and diverse fields such as astrophysics, genetics, urban planning, ecology, climate change, technological adaptation, AI, and design futures. Our projects have investigated cosmic changes, renewable energy technologies, climate adaptation, social inclusion in urban planning, and the soundscapes of gender and class in post-colonial contexts.

We engage with a wide array of communities, encompassing artists, geneticists, legal ethicists, anthropologists, social scientists, astrophysicists, individuals living with disabilities or supporting those who do, and various local communities across all age groups. Our creative process involves speculative design and envisioning potential futures, focusing on climate change, global transformations, altered ecosystems, space travel, terraforming, the human condition, natural ecosystems, urban space design, and social dynamics.

Our work includes developing interactive workshops and discussions to tackle complex social and ecological issues. We employ innovative methodologies that utilise creative arts techniques, integrating our expertise in sound design, music composition, game interactivity, live coding, drawing, writing, and curating. This approach brings diverse perspectives into dialogue and fosters spaces for imagining alternative futures.

Our art blends aesthetics, interactivity, and environmental engagement, encompassing 2D and 3D art, sound design, audio-visual artworks, game-based art, music, performative works, illustration, live coding, and data sonification creating therefore a multitude of haptic and transformative narrative environments. As a collective of makers and thinkers, we are committed to challenging and redefining engagement with complex social, ecological, and technological concepts.


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