Artist in Residence
-Julie-Michèle Morin is currently writing a thesis on robotics and theatre at the University of Montreal (Canada) and the University of Antwerp (Belgium) in the French Literature and the Intermedial Theatre departments. Loving tinkering, hacking, disobedience, objects, machines, and benevolence, Julie-Michèle takes great pleasure in crafting manifestos and hacking (often from the outside) devices. As an artist-researcher, researcher in the arts, or research-artist, this person relies on a technofeminist approach to reflect on the issues raised by the encounter between performing arts and scientific and technological cultures. Julie-Michèle is also a theatre critic and cultural reporter working with an essayistic approach as a literary media. Acting often as a dramaturgical consultant, this human specializes in supporting media and machinic writings for the stage and in installation contexts. That said, wordplay and puns are Julie-Michèle's true passion.