AIR Alum
-The multi laureate composer Felipe Pérez Santiago is one of the most active and recognized musicians in the current artistic scene. His music has been played and commissioned in more than 40 countries and it’s included in more tan 20 discographic productions worldwide. He is the founder and artistic director of the “Mal’Akh” and “Vórtice” ensembles, mixed formations that combine contemporary music with rock, jazz, folklore, etc., with a great commitment to attract broader audiences to contemporary music.
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Science Collaborator
Jill Tarter

Jill Tarter received her Bachelor of Engineering Physics Degree with Distinction from Cornell University and her Master’s Degree and a Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of California, Berkeley.
TheEarthling Project is an artistic, cultural, musical, technological, and social endeavor that will join together a global chorus to create a historic legacy, that represents humanity as one, together in a single voice. To achieve this goal, in 2020 we will present a digital platform with mobile and desktop applications, that will be active to collect voices from around the world singing songs or melodies that represent their surroundings, cultures, and traditions. Some of these voices will be used to create a musical composition, under the creative direction of the acclaimed musical director and composer Felipe Perez Santiago, as a result of his participation in the Artistic Residence Program of the SETI Institute.
As part of the lunar mission Astrobotic’s Peregrine, the original composition, along with the provided voices, and a special composition from special guests ambassadors, shall be sent to the moon on July 2021, thanks to the support provided by the Arch Mission Foundation, based on California.